Treatment Programs in London

Treatment Programs in London

Treatment Programs in London

Treatment Programs in London. Alcohol Detoxification Programs

10 to 14 Night Alcohol Inpatient Detoxification

3 – 5 Night Kick-Start Alcohol Inpatient Detoxification

3 Night Emergency Kick-Start Alcohol Inpatient Detoxification

10 to 14 Night Inpatient Alcohol Detoxification + Maintained Methadone (for those drinkers who are already on a stable level of methadone and want to stop drinking but need or want to remain on methadone for the time being)

At-Home Alcohol Detoxification

Drug Detoxification Programs

14 to 28 Night Drug Inpatient Detoxification

At-Home Drug Detoxification

10 to 14 Night ‘Finish-off’ drug Inpatient Detoxification & Recovery (for those who have been maintained on low levels of methadone for a long time and now want to stop for good)

Combined Drug & Alcohol Detoxification Programs

14 to 28 Night Combined Alcohol & Drug Inpatient Detoxification

Rehabilitation & Recovery Programs in London

Our range of Rehabilitation & Recovery Programs can be added to an appropriate Detoxification Program to construct the optimum Detoxification, Treatment and Recovery Plan for each individual.

Rehabilitation Programs are not determined by the substance of misuse. We help people to take control over the underlying addiction – NOT simply how to stop drinking or taking illicit drugs or prescribed medication.

In this way we help graduates of our Programs to avoid ‘cross-addicting’ e.g. stop taking drugs and become an alcoholic or stop drinking and start gambling. Our goal for every person we work with is to enhance their journey towards life-long recovery from the impacts of addiction.

Rehabilitation & Recovery Programs

4 Week At-Home Telephone Recovery Coaching

6 Week Face to Face At-Home Specialist Counselling

4 Week Stabilisation

6 Week Stabilisation and Rehabilitation

12 Week Rehabilitation

24 Week Rehabilitation

39 Week Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Family Rehabilitation and Recovery

For our team at Alcohol Detox in London, our goal is to enable those close to the person we are treating to undertake their own personal journey of recovery. Call us now on Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hors)

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