About us – Alcohol Detox in London

about us alcohol detox in London

About us – Alcohol Detox in London

About us. Alcohol detox in London has been helping clients, families and friends with their loved ones addiction problems to alcohol. We have helped 100’s clients since we started in 2009. Plus we also offer the lowest priced treatment, and some of the most exclusive rehab centres out there. So whatever your budget, do get in touch.

We have several Residential Rehab and Detox Centres available. All the Treatment Centres we offer are registered by the CQC. Our goal is to help people with Substance Abuse, Dependency or Addiction problems. To understand through their own experiences what their personal needs are. Plus  what support they need in order to cater for those needs, both present and future. Peer support is seen as essential in providing a strong foundation. From which individuals continue building a life off Balance, Creativity, Fulfilment and Freedom from Addiction.

History & Overview

Alcohol Detox in London has been recommending high quality, effective Residential Addiction Treatment since 2009 all over the UK, and its leading alcohol detox and rehab centres now provide:-

  • Detoxification & Rehabilitation
  • Extended Treatment
  • AftercarePlus Programme- Community-based
  • Philosophy –
  • Our Treatment Centres the 12-Step Model.
  • Family Involvement –

Where appropriate, family members and significant others are encouraged to participate in the treatment process at all stages. By attending family conferences and presenting written or verbal consequences. Also in conjunction with various therapy groups designed to present the individual with the facts of their lifestyle. In a caring and respectful manner, Clients are helped to see through their denial.

Contact us

Our mission is to get you free from alcohol, and keep you off it. If you would like help or just advice. Call our team now on Tel: 07811 606 606. We will then run through all the options available to you, and there are many to suite all budgets. We will even run through your funding and free rehab options. These are available at the moment, so call sooner rather than later.

Call us now